RD Pass - Password Manager Application
Cross-platform password manager with GUI using Python Kivy
UI design
Database management
RD-Pass is a password manager application developed using the Python Kivy framework. It uses databases to store the credential entries with AES encryption. It supports features such as multiple database management for different groups of passwords, a search bar to query both the category and title of the entries, one-button copy to clipboard etc. The repo for both the GUI and command-line versions of RD-Pass are available on my GitHub.
Why RD Pass?
In the last few years I started losing track of my login credentials to different websites and servers. Since many of those are not for websites (e.g. login credentials for remote servers and applications, passwords for my backups), browser-based password managers weren't sufficient. I needed a standalone password manager application that I can trust, does not store passwords online, and can be launched quickly. I developed the text-based version of RD-Pass, but quickly realized it needed a GUI to be usable. I came across the Python library Kivy, a cross-platform for application developement. With its flexible and agile UI design using the Kv langauage, I created a graphical user interface for RD-Pass, which I now use daily. RD-Pass can be used on Mac OSX, Linux, Windows, and iOS and Android devices after packaging.